How Washington Really Works
Understanding Washington and its players is the key to getting what you want out of your legislators. Dave will teach your members how to navigate the waters, interact with and manage your contacts and learn the tricks of the trade that influence policymakers to support your legislative goals. Time Frame 1-3 hours.
Legislative and Regulatory 101
This seminar describes the nuts and bolts of how legislation and regulations are made. You will learn how bills become laws, how to interact effectively with legislative staff and how to effectively advocate for your ideas. This seminar explains the arcane world of committees, appropriations, conferencing and much more. Time Frame 1-3 hours.
Grassroots Lobbying 101
Any effective campaign coordinates direct lobbying with grassroots lobbying. Dave will break down what grassroots lobbying is and how to effectively train your members to be the ultimate grassroots advocate. This session provides the tools that enable an organization to develop and implement a full-scale, effective grassroots campaign. Utilizing Dave’s successes from dozens of effective campaigns that generated billions of dollars for our clients, participants of this session will learn techniques that work and how to efficiently mobilize stakeholders to support key legislative initiatives. Your members will realize that they can and will make a difference. Time Frame 2-3 hours.
How to Maximize Your Hired Gun!
Utilizing your lobbyist can be one of your best tools or be an ultimate frustration. Dave will explain how to get the most out of your lobbyist, what to ask of them and what to expect out of them. Also, Dave will give you questions to ask when hiring an outside counsel as well as strategies to terminate your arrangement without causing political fallout. Time Frame 1-2 hours.
Dealing with the Press and Getting Your Message Out
Message management is critical to the success of any business. This session teaches participants how to minimize a catastrophe or maximize an opportunity with the right interaction with the media. Dave will also teach you techniques in how to avoid falling into media traps. Nothing is off the record here. Time Frame 1-3 hours.
The Importance and Effective Use of Your Political Action Committee
Utilizing your PAC can mean the difference of having the critical access you desire or having the door closed on your issues. PAC is not just about giving; it is about the strategy behind the influence game. Dave provides strategies to avoid pitfalls and maximize your PAC resources. Time Frame 1-2 hours.
Testifying Before a Congressional Committee
Testifying before a legislative body is the ultimate opportunity for any organization to get its message out. Preparation is the key to ensuring your message is presented within the numerous protocols associated with legislative hearings. Dave will assist you with those protocols and offer tactics on how to address the committee, whether it be a friendly audience, or a hostile one. Time Frame 1-3 hours.
Understanding the Hierarchy of Congress
As a former Hill staffer, Dave is in a unique position to reflect on how Congress works and will help describe the “food chain” in the legislative branch. Having a grasp on who does what is important and will allow you to avoid any unintentional missteps that could cause your issue to be put on the back burner. Time Frame 1-2 hours.
Legislative Boot Camp
This signature seminar is one that is most requested due to its unique ability to accurately simulate working with a legislative body. Whether you are planning a fly-in day to Washington or your state capitol, it is imperative that members are prepared. This wildly successful seminar teaches how to effectively interact with legislators and their staff, as well as how to navigate the intricacies of the legislative system, with specialized training on how to handle even the most difficult situations. Boot Camp allows your members to practice and perfect their skills in a safe and challenging environment. Time Frame 1-2 days.
Navigating Government Contracting
Trying to acquire government contracts is a very detailed, arcane and difficult process. Our professionals will help you work through the maze of contracting and teach you the buzzwords and key phrases that allow your organization to be in the best position to win a contract. Time Frame 1-3 hours.